Christina In The News
Endorsement: Christina Hines, not Pete Lucido, best choice for Macomb County prosecutor | October 31st, 2024
“Hines, a veteran of the prosecutor’s offices in Wayne and Washtenaw counties, is experienced, focused, ready to serve and free of the baggage that calls Lucido’s character — and its impact on his professional aptitude — into question…
…Lucido says the office is currently fully staffed, with no vacancies. But we’re not convinced that 40% turnover in three years can be explained by any sort of routine or even pandemic-related circumstances. The county government’s average annual turnover rate is 9%.
Residents of Macomb County should cast their ballots for CHRISTINA HINES. She is a better fit for the prosecutor’s office, and a new face for the next generation of Macomb County political leadership…”
Morning Digest: A scandal-plagued GOP prosecutor faces a tough challenge in a red county | October 24th, 2024
“…One such showdown is in Macomb County, Michigan where a scandal-ridden Republican, Prosecutor Peter Lucido, is trying to fend off Democrat Christina Hines.
An investigation conducted for the county government concluded in 2022 that Lucido had sexually harassed his subordinates and made racist comments about African Americans.
In a separate matter, the Michigan secretary of state's office told Lucido this month that it suspected he'd breached campaign finance laws by distributing a ‘newsletter from his public email address that linked to his campaign website.’ However, he'll still be difficult to defeat in a populous suburban Detroit community that favored Donald Trump 53-45 in 2020….”
Who prosecutors Lucido, McDonald, Worthy face as they vie for reelection | October 18th, 2024
“…Aside from focusing on crime prevention, Hines, 34, said if she's elected, she'll focus on advocating for women and children who have been victims of violent crimes; protecting children from predators; and partnering with schools to teach children about online safety, resolving disputes peacefully and the implications of making school threats.
Hines criticized Lucido's checkered history in both Macomb County and while he was a legislator.
‘I don't think that my opponent really grasps to this day how important this job is,’ Hines said. ‘Otherwise, if he did, I feel like he would be treating this office with more respect and with more dignity…’”
Editorial: Our endorsements for Macomb County offices | October 17th, 2024
“…Challenging Lucido is Democrat Christina Hines of Warren. Hines is a Macomb County native who began her career advocating for women and children in sexual assault and child pornography cases. She served as a prosecutor in the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office and then in the Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office, where she was promoted to chief of the Special Victims Unit Division and the Appeals Division. She takes an aggressive stance on drug dealing and human trafficking. She would bring experience, pragmatism and integrity to the office. Christina Hines receives our endorsement.”
Prosecutor’s false law-enforcement endorsements criticized by challenger | September 24th, 2024
"...Republican Lucido removed the false entries or clarified the year of their endorsement after his Nov. 5 re-election campaign opponent, Democrat Christina Hines, pointed out last week he was claiming support he didn’t have. The endorsements that he falsely claimed he had were from the Fraternal Order of Police – Michigan State Lodge, the Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union, the Warren Police Officers Association and The Detroit News. 'Pete Lucido has been lying for a long time, and this just goes to show that he believes he can keep getting away with it,' Hines said Monday. 'But his lies and signs aren’t going to win him this election. Remember: We the people choose who we elect. I believe in November the voters of Macomb County are going to hire me, a professional prosecutor, instead of this career politician...'"
Macomb prosecutor race heats up | September 22nd, 2024
“'My opponent’s ad – which has a better Halloween vibe than a Homegoods in August – attempts to make me look scary.'
The video asks, 'Come on, Christina, or whoever you say you are.'
She responded with, 'I’m exactly who I say I am. I am a wife and a mom, I am an experienced prosecutor and I’m proud to live in Macomb County. I feel a tremendous amount of purpose in being a prosecutor, and I believe that this job is worthy of a lifetime of effort....'"
Race for Macomb County prosecutor has parallels with Harris vs. Trump | September 22nd, 2024
"Hines earned her law degree from Wayne State University in 2014 after interning in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Michigan, where she said it became clear she wanted to not only be a prosecutor, but prosecute sexual assault cases. 'After I graduated, I started working at the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, but I got in trouble on my third day in the office,' said Hines, laughing. 'I was sort of sneaking over to the sexual assault unit because I wanted to help those prosecutors even though I was in general crimes; robberies and guns and drugs and stuff like that. I say I got in trouble, but they offered me the full-time union position, not a contract position. And I think a lot of that was because of initiative and work ethic and my passion for it.' That passion was obvious to Hines’ boss, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy. 'She’s a very talented and very passionate prosecutor,” Worthy told the Advance. “She was especially talented when it came to issues of children and women and SVU, special victims. That is what I would learn to be her specialty …. She was very, very good....'"
Voter guide: Macomb County races | September 21th, 2024
"Hines, of Warren, graduated from Warren Woods Tower High School, the University of Michigan (where she played tuba in the marching band) and Wayne State University Law School. The married mother of three began work in the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office and recently served as chief of the appeals division at the Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office, according to her campaign website. She served several years as chief of the special victims unit division, worked to create and implement the Restorative Justice Diversion program, oversaw the prosecution of LGBTQ hate crimes and led an initiative that investigated and prosecuted cold case sexual assaults. Hines’ core priorities are to end violent crimes, sex crimes, elder abuse, sexual assault and crimes against children; prioritize treatment and rehabilitation on drug and mental health cases; work with law enforcement to make Macomb County safer, and hold polluters accountable..."
Hackel endorses Christina Hines for Macomb County prosecutor | September 8th, 2024
"Hackel said in a statement released by Hines he is backing her 'not only because she is the only candidate with prosecutorial experience, but because she has consistently demonstrated the ability to hold offenders accountable while effectively working with law enforcement and community partners. Her dedication to the people she serves is unquestioned and I am confident that she will lead the Prosecutor’s Office with the highest level of integrity.' Hines said she is 'honored' to receive the endorsement. 'Macomb County deserves more leaders like Mark — leaders who are dedicated to working in a bipartisan way to put the people of Macomb County first, and who lead with integrity,' Hines said in a statement. 'I want to be one of those leaders, and I want to fight to ensure that our children and grandchildren can have the same safety, freedom, and opportunities that we had growing up...'"
Lucido challenger Hines denies social media claims made by conservative CPAC | September 8th, 2024
"Hines called the video part of concerted anti-semitic attacks by conservative groups on Soros, 94, who is Jewish, and other Jewish people on the claim 'rich Jewish people are running the country.'
She noted Lucido has appeared at the annual CPAC gathering of some of the country’s most prominent conservatives the past two years, including once as a panelist in a discussion about Soros.
Despite the criticism of her, Hines thanks CPAC for the video and the X post, which has garnered 3.9 million views, in her note to supporters.
'So thank you, CPAC, for letting us see exactly how scared Pete Lucido is of our grassroots campaign,' she says...'"
Lucido foe criticizes him for performance on harassment, discrimination training | August 18th, 2024
“'A person with a record of sexual harassment should not be prosecutor,' Hines said. 'You can’t trust Pete Lucido to stop sexually harassing women.'
Hines, a former assistant prosecutor in Wayne and Washtenaw counties, said Lucido’s past incidents of alleged sexual harassment can have a chilling effect on women who have been assaulted."
Lucido touts accomplishments, Hines critical in Macomb County Prosecutor candidates forum | July 31st, 2024
“….’When our elected officials are accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault, it sends a clear and direct message to survivors that they are not going to be believed,’ Hines said of instances when Lucido was a state lawmaker. In March 2021, a female state official who is now a judge said Lucido inappropriately touched her in 2019 during a meeting with lawmakers. In 2020, a female reporter said Lucido made lewd and suggestive remarks in front of male students. That same year, a female senator claimed Lucido groped and degraded her during an orientation of new legislators, and a Lansing lobbyist said Lucido inappropriately touched her during a meeting….”
Warren Democrat aims to unseat scandal-plagued Macomb County Prosecutor Lucido | June 7th, 2024
“Christina Hines is fed up with the never-ending scandals from the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office, and she’s determined to do something about it…”
Buss: 'Sextortion' is becoming a much bigger threat | May 2nd, 2024
“…’Most of the cases are kids like our kids,’ says Christina Hines, a former prosecutor in Wayne and Washtenaw Counties who has specialized in sexual assault and child sexual abuses cases and is running for Macomb County Prosecutor. ‘A lot of parents don’t even realize that the danger is in their home already’…”
Demoratic Macomb County prosecutor candidate touts early fundraising | August 23rd, 2023
“A first-time political candidate who is running for Macomb County prosecutor is touting her financial support so far although it is far less than the over $300,000 in Prosecutor Peter Lucido has in his campaign coffers. Christina Hines, who is running as a Democrat for prosecutor in 2024, raised over $65,000 in her first few months as candidate, according to campaign finance reports. The funds came from over 300 individuals, most of whom contributed $100 or less…”
Assistant prosecutor in Washtenaw County announces run for Macomb County prosecutor | April 25th, 2023
“An assistant prosecutor and unit chief in Washtenaw County is running against Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido in 2024. Christina Hines, 33, of Warren, filed Friday with Macomb County Elections to run as a Democrat in the primary to potentially face Republican Lucido, who is in his first four-year term after defeating Democrat Mary Chrzanowski in November 2020…”
30 in Their Thirties | June 14th, 2021
“A victim of bullying in middle school, Christina Hines has dedicated her career to helping “the little guy,” a calling that led to her role as first assistant prosecuting attorney in the Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office…”
Notable Women In Law | April 15th, 2021
“When Christina Hines started working at the Wayne County Prosecutor’s office in 2014, she was an unpaid intern. Now, as top prosecutor in Washtenaw County, she leads both the Appeals, Training…”